The Donald has eliminated all doubt. He officially announced to the world yesterday that his running mate is none other than staunch conservative, pro-life, homophobic, born again governor of Indiana, Mike Pence.
Pence was known as Ted Cruz's biggest supporter and is in lockstep with him politically. The choice could not have been any more like putting Cruz on the ticket than actually putting him on it.
Mike Pence hooked up with one loser. Can he possibly go for two? |
What's more, the Trump/Pence seems to lack any chemistry at all.
CNN's Dana Bash reported that Trump had buyer's remorse after choosing Pence, which was not made on his gut, but rather on the advice of his closest campaign advisers--his kids.
So far, everything about Trump's monumentally successful campaign has been based on his gut.
And though repulsive to maybe even most of us, his strategy has worked better than in arguably any other presidential campaign ever.
Not to mention, Trump has gotten to this point spending tens of millions of dollars less than anyone else. Say what you will, but his accomplishments so far have already redefined American politics.
Though tapping Pence appears to be a savvy political choice to his kids (and even many sane people), going against his gut on his first big decision will be the stake that kills Dracula.
Trump is all about his instincts, which are undeniably dead on. He's a born predator. But take those instincts away from him and what do you get? Mike Pence.
Pence does nothing for Trump but give his ticket the momentary appearance of normalcy. It won't be long until Nubbs makes his next offensive gaffe, and it'll be amusing to see how Pence handles the embarrassment.
He's already publicly called out Trump's Muslim ban as unconstitutional, and the two don't really seem to agree on very much policy-wise.
I almost get the feeling that Pence subconsciously took on Trump as his Sunday school project. Good luck there.
On accepting the invitation to be Trump's VP, the only memorable thing out of Pence's mouth was, "I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order." How comforting.
It's hard for me to see this team hanging together until November, but if Trump can actually make it happen, I'll be the first to give him kudos.
I think Mike Pence will be as much of an anchor around Donald Trump's neck as Sarah Palin turned out to be for John McCain, though in a totally different way.
Pence is a moral compass, but the Trump campaign has been a success precisely because it hasn't had one.
As terrible as that sounds, fired campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was right on when he advised to, "Let Trump be Trump."
Unless he's free to follow his killer instincts, Trump's a dead man.
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