Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Trump's Lack of Depth Chilling

What a Wednesday, Friends,

The major-party candidates will have their first face-to-face tonight in New York City. NBC News is hosting a Q&A forum on 'military and defense' aboard the floating museum--the U.S.S. Intrepid.

I hope Donald Trump performs identically to what he did yesterday in his "town meeting," which was emceed by his retired general buddy, Michael Flynn.

Not only did the promised town meeting turn out to simply be Flynn asking Trump pre-scripted questions, but it was also chilling.

Trump showed himself to be as naked as those tiny phallus-ed statues of him that cropped up in cities around the country a few weeks back.

And just in case you didn't get a chance to see any of these works of art, here's
one that got some attention in New York City. Unfortunately, the sculpture
has more detailed plans than the actual candidate.
General Flynn asked him repeatedly how he would handle ISIS. Trump answered by deflecting the question off onto how Hillary Clinton's policies got us into this mess. He'd then go off on some crazy rant for several minutes.

He actually seemed to lose his audience of military veterans several times.

I noticed some staring off into space looking either bored or confused. I could not tell which.

Flynn looked appalled. And, with noticeable exasperation, he implored Trump to give him some kind of direct answer, noting that this was important to our troops who were still in harm's way in the Middle East.

He got no coherent response, just another off-topic tirade.

He then asked Trump directly, "Are you for regime change in Syria?"

Trump must have heard, "How are you going to fix the economy?" because that's pretty much where he went with that answer.

Honestly, Friends, at that point I had a moment I can only describe as chilling and physically sickening. I had an OMG realization that Donald Trump was a total fraud.

I'm not being overly dramatic. Friends, I got so viscerally frightened by this man, I felt like I was going to puke.

He is a total empty suit! He has NOTHING!

Now, we're learning that Trump's heretofore "secret plan" to defeat ISIS is that he's going to "tell his generals to come up with a comprehensive plan in his first 30 days in office." What an outrage!

I understand the country's desire for change. I want to see it myself. But change for change's sake is not necessarily good.

My wife describes Donald Trump as a "crazy maker." And if you pay any attention to how he behaves, you'll see how apt her description is.

Friends, if we elect this man to the White House, he will set the world asunder.

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