Friday, September 2, 2016

Where in the World Is Hillary Sandiego?

Fabulous Friday, Friends,

Donald Trump has been busy as a beaver in the last week crisscrossing the country and even beyond in campaign event after event, but where in the world is Hillary Clinton?

Thank God! No one recognizes me! I can actually walk around
and no one hates me. Do you think this brown wig and red hat and
coat are inconspicuous enough?
Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean claims she's been off "fundraising."

I guess the old adage, "You can't be too thin or too rich," is true.  At least the latter is for Hillary who raised a record amount of money last month. I guess she's trying to exceed August's $143 million in September.

With the election just a little more than nine weeks away, she must feel like she'll really need it against a candidate who's spending next to nothing and is doing everything he can do to lose.

I'm not kidding.

Hillary's got to be the second worst candidate to run for president in my lifetime. Barry Goldwater comes in a distant third. You can guess who the worst is, but Hillary's having a tough time beating him.

I don't believe she's off fundraising. I think she knows she's less repulsive to Democrats like myself the less she shows her face.

Donald Trump does a great job campaigning against himself anyway, so she may as well let him keep tightening his own noose. He seems to be quite adept at it.

Yesterday, half of his Hispanic surrogates walked away from his campaign after he betrayed them by doubling down on his hardcore deportation policy for illegal immigrants. He'd indicated to them a week earlier that he'd be softening his stance.

I guess that new slogan he'd been planning, "Trust in Trump," wouldn't be a good idea to launch right now.

I'm just wondering if Hillary's unexpected and clandestine hiatus doesn't actually have something to do with her health. She's been totally inaccessible to the media, which is highly unusual.

At her one public appearance this week before the American Legion, she looked gaunt, and her energy level seemed extremely low.

This could easily be a result of the rigors of the campaign. But the sad fact is, Donald Trump is a couple of years older than Hillary, and his schedule has been much tougher. He does come across as more vigorous.

This could be a deciding factor in two months.

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