Tuesday, August 23, 2016

This Will Be the Most Unpopular Post I've Ever Written

Dear Friends,

I've determined something about the 245 million adults who live in the United States, but I think Donald Trump beat me to it.

I bet you didn't know that the average American IQ is between 90 and 100.

To put this in some perspective, a genius is someone with an IQ of at least 145, and an extraordinary genius like Albert Einstein has an IQ of at least 160. Above average intelligence begins at 115.

In a sample the size of the United States, the average or "mean" intelligence is very close to the "median." The median is the midpoint of the sample where half falls above it and half below.

This is your typical bell curve. It represents the IQ of the American people.
There are about 112 million adults on either side of the line. Most of Trump's voters
are on the left side of it. If you can't figure out what that means, you probably are too. 

Let's be generous and say the median intelligence of the U.S. is 100; the high end of the average. That means half of the adult population of the United States of America has an IQ of 100 or less. That's 112 million voters!

Here's some more perspective. What we used to call 'mental retardation' begins at an IQ of 84. That is the point where intellectual capacity is considered "borderline."

If we were to chart the American population on a graph, it would look like any other bell curve. Most Americans would fall somewhere in the middle.

But if we look to the left of '84' on the graph, we'd find nearly 50 million seriously simple-minded people. And Donald Trump has them wrapped up tight.

He speaks their language, and they WILL turn out to vote for him.

The poll numbers bear out that the mentally impaired are Trump's core constituency. Basically, he caters to the stupid, though we're all too politically correct to say it.

It's an unfortunate fact that millions of our fellow citizens are as dumb as stumps, and even more so that they are Trump's stumps. But he's been targeting this group for years.

He's cynically pandered to them since he assumed his first public position as Birther-in-Chief back in 2009. And now, as he's said, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose one of them.

They are an extremely loyal, gullible, and large niche. And they'd consider people like me complete snobs.


But we can't ever afford to let dumb run us. No matter how politically incorrect it is to say it.

I'm hoping we really don't want a coalition of people of extremely low intelligence and their disingenuous manipulators ever being in charge.

They scare the hell out of me.  

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