Friday, April 29, 2016

What Kind of People Like Mean?

Happy weekend eve, Friends,

Donald Trump is back at it. In front of a near-capacity crowd at a California amphitheater last night, Trump unleashed his full menu of personal insults of all his rivals, right down to his mocking the way John Kasich eats.

And the crowd loved it.

Of course, most sane people would see this as completely unacceptable for a presidential candidate. But beyond the despicable behavior of the candidate himself, I've got to question what kind of person eats this stuff up.

No one would deny that the spew emanating from Trump's mouth is incredibly mean spirited. If it were the late Jesse Helms saying this same drivel the country would be screaming bloody murder, much less be rallying around him to put him in the Oval Office.

Yet Trump had nearly 30,000 Californians adoring him at his rally last night. It's chilling to witness so many people so riled up knowing that there are many more like them.

So what do you think of this image of me? I like it. In fact, when I'm
president, my picture WILL be on the flag. Then, not only will my name be on
 all the big buildings, but you'll also see my face everywhere too.
No matter if Donald Trump is playing to the crowd or otherwise, the fact that he'd even consider not being thoughtful about everything he says and does in running for the world's most powerful position is a huge problem.

This is a man who acts like a brat in a schoolyard, and he's asking me to put my life in his hands. Expletive that expletive!

If behaving like a snotty little bully is just an act, employing this strategy shows worse judgment than Hillary Clinton ever has.

What's really disheartening to me is the huge number of his followers who are in reality as mean spirited as Trump is or is pretending to be. And many are quick to escalate to violence to defend him.

As the marketing expert he is, Trump found this sizable niche of the GOP and is pandering to it. The sad fact is that even if  he is playing, he's still either drawing his meanness from somewhere inside himself or he's nefarious enough to use the tactic as a tool.

Either way calls his character into question.

With Trump, I'll give him some credit.  I believe the xenophobia, misogyny and narcissism are genuine.

We've become a society who seeks 'disruption', and we'd get a really big disruption by electing someone who not only doesn't embody anything we've come to expect from a president, but doesn't even act like an adult.

What kind of people want to see an institution torn to shreds? If you look deep down you might find a little of it inside yourself. I know I do.

Characters like Trump are particularly dangerous because they draw it out.

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