I began this blog back on January 13th for two main reasons. First, I believed the other pundits were totally blind to the rise of Donald Trump, who I contended would sweep to the GOP nomination and do it early.
I'm the only pundit to have stated this unequivocally for the record, and I challenge the others to prove otherwise. All of my posts have been documented on the internet for posterity.
The other reason was that I saw the storm clouds building for Hillary Clinton, while all the while she was being adored by the media as the anointed Democratic nominee. Whoa, media, not so fast!
The latest doo doo began to hit the fan for Hillary yesterday. Her own State Department's inspector general was highly critical of Clinton for flouting the established rules, and being uncooperative with his investigation.
That's not what she's been telling the public. Could it be that Hillary lied?
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Hey! This isn't the Oval Office! It's not even oval! Where's my computer? Is there a closet for the server? |
The report states that Clinton made no apparent effort in three years to get the proper permissions for her personal email server. She also hushed up lower-level State Department employees who questioned what she was doing.
Is this how she'd run the White House?
The inspector generals's is one of at least three active investigations of Hillary underway, and it's not the most serious of them. She's still being scrutinized by the FBI and could face possible felony charges for having state secrets on her personal computer.
For this offense, you and I would be measuring for drapes in our tiny one-window cell at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Hillary gets to run for president.
But I don't believe she'll have much longer.
The snowball began to roll downhill yesterday. There's no stopping it now, and it'll soon run Hillary over.
The inspector general's report gives Trump and the GOP some genuine red meat with which to go after the former and at-best ineffective Secretary of State.
I expect the GOP wrecking ball with Hillary's name on it to start swinging in earnest today.
Since she actually did the dirty deed of which she's been accused, any defense she can muster would be simply spin.
Either everybody else did the same thing (lie, and not a defense), or that Hillary followed established policy (lie), or that she made every effort to blah, blah, blah (also a lie).
The truth is, Hillary did not want her personal emails made public. Emailing exclusively over her personal server, rather than on a secure government one, gave Hillary that control albeit in violation of the rules.
Hillary can't simply laugh off these accusations as is her wont. This latest self-made crisis caught her with her hand smelling like cookies.
I blogged months ago about how this exact scenario would be the end of Mrs. Clinton and would catapult either Bernie Sanders or a drafted Vice President Joe Biden to the Democratic nomination. Now, you'll watch it happen.
Even the Dems aren't so clueless they'll waist precious time trying to resuscitate a moribund candidate, especially when the human buzz saw, Donald Trump, awaits her next.
Best that Bernie capitalizes on this expanding opportunity and win big in the remaining nine contests, save the Democratic party some embarrassment, and take the nomination cleanly on a second vote.
Better yet, Hillary swallows her pride, gracefully bows out now. and spares the country another messy Clinton legal quagmire.
Look up Webster's definition of prescient, Friends. It's been changed to: See Lew's Views.
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