Donald Trump is working early, hard, and dirty on both the Clintons in a "counter attack" so far below the belt, it's never likely to attain even 'low road' status.
Trump, the Birther in Chief, is pulling out every nasty scandal ever debunked about Bill and Hill, short of Whitewater, but including the six-time officially dismissed accusation that Bill murdered his deputy counsel Vince Foster. For the record, he committed suicide.
This whopper was even tossed out by right-wing Republican special counsel Kenneth Starr and his investigative panel, but Trump put it back in play yesterday by saying that "he would never bring it up, because that would be unfair. But some people think it was fishy."
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No he didn't kill Vince Foster. I thought we settled that. Oh, and he didn't have sex with all those women either. Okay, he didn't kill Vince Foster. |
The question Trump's massive onslaught begs is this: why is he going after Hillary this way before she's even won the nomination? She's such an easy target, he hardly needs a head start.
I have another theory. I believe Donald Trump would really rather run against Bernie Sanders. I think he may be extremely wary of the Clinton machine. He believes, conversely, that he'd have no problem handling an avowed socialist.
The Clinton machine is formidable and doesn't lose general elections. Trump seems to be beating up on Hillary while she's facing a two-pronged battle; still in a primary fight with Bernie Sanders.
But the Clinton machine will have the benefits of a popular president and first lady stumping for it after Hillary's nomination.
And lots and lots of cash.
Trump would rather face a socialist who has political machine and the lukewarm support of the Democratic party at best.
It's brilliant strategy and worthy of The Donald. Get Hillary out of the race before she's even nominated.
Could Donald Trump actually be manipulating the Democratic party into nominating what he believes is the easier mark of the two possible candidates?
I think so.
I'm not so sure he's right in his strategy or that he even has a chance of succeeding in his manipulation.
The term 'socialist' doesn't mean much to most of Bernie's potential young supporters. Older voters feeling The Bern have warmed to his ideas.
Personally, I believe in the polls that show Sanders beating Trump by at least 15 points if the election were held today, and that number is growing fast.
If Sanders winds up facing Trump in the general election, we'll see the confrontation of all time: ideology vs. demagoguery, substance vs. bombast, ingenuousness vs. hyperbole.
Trump is squarely on the weaker side of each of the above depictions, and Bernie should wipe the floor with him. Though, as we already know in this election, nothing is as it should be.
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