Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Trump Taps His One Secret Choice for Defense Secretary

Another big primary day, Friends,

I've got my best pundit's hat on, and I'm going to stick my neck way out this morning.

Yesterday, I received a Facebook post from The Donald himself. It said he had just had a long phone conversation with a leading Republican Senator who's been an outspoken opponent of his, and he called it "very interesting."

It was 'very interesting' to me because for the past week or so, I've noticed this particular senator's vitriol for Trump melt away. It seemed a little strange.

But it all became very clear to me what was going on, and honestly, if it does happen, it speaks favorably of the decisions Trump may make if he becomes president.

I've kept you in suspense long enough, and when I reveal whom this post was about, you'll probably be as surprised, and possibly as impressed, as I was.

It's true that I may be just a little intense to be president, but I'm the
guy the country needs to watch its back. 
The conversation was with Senator Lindsey Graham, a man who was so put off by Trump's nomination, he went on a three-day rant after The Donald became the presumptive GOP nominee two weeks ago.

Now, he's talking with Trump on the phone. Unthinkable!

Graham, the failed presidential candidate, may not have caught on with voters, but it was obvious to anyone who watched the undercard GOP debates that the breadth of his expertise on the U.S. military was exemplary.

He easily could be any Republican candidate's choice for Secretary of Defense, but the antipathy between him and Trump would have seemed to rule it out.

Trump, however, proving that he's at least somewhat serious about being a "uniter," reached out to Graham, and reports from The Donald's campaign say it went "very well."

We'll probably have to wait, of course, for the general election to find out if this prediction is accurate, and we may never know if Trump loses the election. But here's something to watch--Graham's change in tone. It will be the "tell" that this deal has gone down.

In the meantime, I just want to reiterate how important today's Kentucky primary is for the Democrats. It could be all over tonight for Bernie Sanders if he loses.

I predict, though, that at the end of the evening, The Bern will be smiling.

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