Thursday, March 24, 2016

Driving through Driving Rain Dampens Thoughts

Good evening Friends,

I drove a 45-year-old convertible two-seat MGB through a driving rain for more than 150 miles today. I witnessed the aftermath of two tractor trailers colliding, rolling, and completely blocking the other side of Interstate 70, due to that same rain.

My morning was a real nail-biter, but I made it to my hotel in Columbia, MO safe and sound; cold, slightly wet, but safe and sound.

My thoughts, this evening, are for those who did not make it home safe and sound yesterday in Brussels. Their day probably started a lot like mine, anticipating and preparing for a trip.

But for the grace of the supreme being of the universe, my day did not end like theirs.

My drive was just like this, only with water dripping everywhere  from the
convertible top (even though it's not 45-years-old like the rest of the car).
When you drive alone for eight hours, you have a lot of time to think. But no matter how hard I thought, I couldn't come up with a solution to the world's problems.

And you know what? I don't think any of our presidential candidates really have that solution either, no matter how hard they try to convince us they do.

Donald Trump says he wants to nuke the terrorists. Yeah, that would work...not.

Other candidates want to recruit more middle eastern forces to fight the battle. Sure, just look how they're flocking to fight the terrorists now. Expecting an about face is like expecting GOP voters to all-of-a-sudden change their minds and back an establishment candidate.

So, I guess expecting any candidate to make our problems go away is about as realistic as thinking that a world without problems can exist.

I just spent three years living in the middle east, and I can tell you first hand that the situation is complicated beyond any one person's complete comprehension.

Beware of any candidate who says he has the answer.

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