Tuesday, March 1, 2016

GOP Between a Trump and a Hard Place

Good Super Tuesday Friends,

We've finally reached it; the first Yuge day of the presidential primary season, otherwise known as Super Tuesday.

The outcome on the GOP side is a forgone conclusion. Donald Trump will win 10 out of 11 states, and Ted Cruz will take his home state of Texas.

All this punditry gives me a headache. I won YUGE
and that's the story. Period.
By the end of the day, Donald Trump will have an insurmountable lead, and the pundits will be having to talk about the also-rans to fill the 24-hour news cycle.

Even with Trump's latest snafu regarding his flaccid rejection of the Ku Klux Klan's backing, he's still managed to lasso the day's narrative and maintain the media's focus.

This latest kerfuffle won't even chink The Donald's armor. To the contrary, all his gaffes seem to temper it and invariably improve his standing with his wingnut supporters.

Where does this leave the Republican party? In complete chaos.

There will be no establishment candidate in 2016, save for possibly Trump's running mate.

Ah the memory! Don't count on seeing this again any
time soon if Donald Trump gets the nomination.
With Trump as its nominee, the GOP will shatter. Don't be surprised to see a mass exodus of party regulars and the formation of something else.

Party leaders, who've already conceded the presidential race to the Democrats, are loathe to lose control of the senate too. And they see that as the unhappy consequence of Trump's negative coattails, with no clear path under Trump to get it back.

I won't get into piling on the GOP, like many of my colleagues, and say they made this bed for themselves, and now they're going to have to sleep in it.

Suffice to say, the political revolution Bernie Sanders talks about is happening; but on the other side of the aisle, and it's not pretty.

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