Thursday, March 3, 2016

Romney Rumbles, Breaks Bromance

Dearest Friends,

The love affair between Mitt Romney and Donald Trump is over. Four years ago, candidate Romney, seeking Trump's endorsement, couldn't find enough praise to heap on The Donald. Now Romney says Trump's a "phony and a fraud."

The Donald replied by calling Romney a terrible candidate and a loser.

I know I'm handsome. I look like Rock Hudson don't I?
He was gay? Forget I said that.
Word is, Romney is thinking about making a third-party run backed by the leadership of the Republican party. This is just at the strong rumor stage right now, but I'm sure Romney's hearing it too.

His speech to the University of Utah this morning seemed like he's testing the waters.

The question is, will the rumor become a self-fulfilling prophecy?

A Romney run makes sense from a strategic point of view for the GOP establishment. It could be the only way the party holds together and maintains control of the senate.

Though a Romney candidacy concedes defeat to the Democrats in the general presidential election, it at least gives the  remnants of the GOP establishment a palatable candidate and may negate Trump's impact on congressional races.

A strong Trump victory in the presidential race will inexorably change the face of the Republican party, which Romney and the rest of the GOP establishment won't abide.

Fireworks are certain to fly between Trump and Romney for at least the next few days. And it's a double-edged sword. While Romney is cutting up Trump, the brouhaha keeps the spotlight and narrative squarely on The Donald.

Unless Romney actually runs as a third-party option, his oral attack on Trump will do nothing but help the frontrunner, Trump will sweep this Saturday's contests in five Red or Red-leaning states.

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