Monday, March 21, 2016

Warren Takes Trump to Task on Twitter

Good Monday Friends,

As if on cue, just two days after I posted Newt Gingrich's comments about Senator Elizabeth Warren being drafted as the Democratic nominee, this morning she fired the first shot in a Twitter war with Donald Trump.
I heard that Donald Trump doesn't even know who Senator Elizabeth
Warren is. Maybe I can help with that.

This maneuver landed her on the national news for the first time in months.

One has to wonder if the party is pushing her to raise her exposure prior to the July 28th Philadelphia convention, where according to Newt, she could wind up being the party's go-to Hillary replacement.

So it would help if people knew her, or at least something about her, and having a high-profile Twitter battle with Donald Trump is certainly one way to do it.

One of my most loyal readers commented that Senator Warren has flatly turned down being considered for the presidential race over and over again. But insiders are reporting today that she may be warming to the idea.

We all know that with regard to running for office, a politician's denial of interest is ephemeral at best and is usually just a snapshot of his or her feelings in the context of that particular moment.

The door is generally left open just a crack, and with Donald Trump getting dangerously closer to the GOP nod with every passing primary, Warren is peering through it with great interest.

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