Monday, February 22, 2016

Hillary Co-opts Everything Bermie

Good Monday morning Friends,

I just saw my first political TV ad this season. It was for Hillary Clinton. But it might as well have been an ad for Bernie Sanders.

Message-less herself, Hillary the political chameleon stole his message and was using it as her own.

I used to hold the Clinton administration in memory with great fondness, but every time I see Hillary being so slimy, it chips away at it. Pretty soon, there won't be much left.

What Hillary's done is to take every one of Bernie's talking points--fixing the Wall Street-rigged economy, free public college, universal health care, etc.--put her Debbie Downer spin on them, and then use them as her commercial.

Morgan Freeman's avuncular voice behind the spot was supposed to give me that feel-good tingle. The only feeling I got was a twinge of nausea.

Just call me by my middle name, Dulcet.
Hillary treats voters like they're stupid and gullible. And, quite frankly, by wrapping herself in Obama to pander to the large chunk of the party's non-white southern demographic, she's aiming her disingenuous 'message' at the less educated and more easily led of her party.

Bernie's intellectual arguments aren't likely to resonate as well with this group, simply because they are intellectual arguments. Notwithstanding, he'd be a much stronger advocate for these constituents.

I hope Bernie can at least close the gap in South Carolina's Saturday primary to single digits. This way he bounces into Super Tuesday with some momentum.

I think Bernie's up against some pretty stiff odds, Virtually the entire party leadership is steadfastly backing his opponent.

What no one's talking about this week, though, is Hillary's multitude of  legal challenges still lurking just beneath the surface. At least three inquiries are ongoing.

What happens when they rear their ugly head? Believe me, they have not been forgotten.

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