Saturday, February 27, 2016

Trump Offers Christie AG Job to Destroy Rubio

Good weekend Friends,

Yesterday, in a complete shocker, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie threw his support to Donald Trump and showed up to introduce the frontrunner at one of The Donald's mega rallies.


Well, Christie's support gives Trump two things: instant credibility within the GOP establishment, and the most potent tool to tear his closest challenger, Marco Rubio, to shreds.

Christie has been getting under Rubio's skin since early on in the debates, and had been the one candidate to cause Rubio to have a near breakdown on stage. He's a natural choice for The Donald to court, and he obviously did.

What did he offer Christie?

The Attorney General's job, and God help us if he gets it.

Oh yeah! Call me fat, and I'll take away your weed!
Christie has already stated that he'd bring back the bad-old-days of the war on drugs...specifically marijuana. Just ask folks in Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, and here in Washington state how they'd feel about that.

In this state, the tax revenue generated from legal weed has already been incorporated into the state budget as an integral part of the state's general revenue fund.

Christie wants to outlaw this legitimate source of sorely-needed money based on his total ignorance and refusal to learn about a perfectly natural herb that millions are finding to be an absolute Godsend.

Yet a man who's killing himself by self-medicating with Krispy Kreme donuts, would begrudge others their own virtually harmless--no, positively beneficial path. His policies would force millions of  the suffering to become criminals as well.

Having Chris Christie as US Attorney General would be a dark day for this country. With Donald Trump  as president, I believe the curtains will come down.


  1. Hi Lew. I'm all in favor of legal pot -- another (of so many) reason to hate this development w/ Christie. What state do you live in, anyhow? (You mention it's one with legal pot.) -- Pama

    1. I'm here in Bellingham, WA--The City of Subdued Excitement (that's the real city motto, no joke).
