Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Santorum Out - Smart Money Says He Backs Trump

Hi Friends,

This just in: Rick Santorum has dropped out of the race.

Remember the other night after the GOP undercard debate? He and Mike Huckabee both showed up at Donald Trump's veterans' event during the main event across town. I said then, they'd made a deal.

I'm not hanging my head, I'm praying. 
Santorum will throw his support to someone reportedly later today. The smart money's on Trump, and I think we'll see Huckabee follow suit.

The Donald practices what he preaches about making deals, and he's got deals with both of them...Cabinet posts? Ambassadorships?  We shall see.

UPDATE--Rick Santorum has endorsed Marco Rubio.

I humbly admit I was wrong about this one.

In an interview with The Today Show this morning, Santorum was asked to name some of Rubio's
accomplishments that led to his endorsement.

He couldn't name one!

Say bye bye to any slot in a Trump administration, Rick.

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