Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Prez's Attack on Trump Assures Two Things

Mid-week greetings Friends,

I've been following politics for more years than I'll admit, and never have I seen a sitting president go after an opposing party candidate as Barack Obama did with Donald Trump yesterday.

The president went on a rant against the GOP frontrunner, as you're probably already aware, that in this crazy political climate will do nothing but help The Donald. It seemed to be exactly what Trump would have hoped for, to sweep him to his party's nomination.

It was a gift.

And, I believe Obama knew exactly what he was doing.

You just keep believing I'm an idiot, while I win us our third straight presidential race!
Here's the logic. The president believes that Trump's support is extremely strong but only enough of a plurality to secure the GOP nomination. As Obama himself stated yesterday, "There's no way that Donald Trump can be elected president."

That's most likely true. I also don't believe that a majority of American voters have gone so bat-crap crazy they'd ever elect a carnival barker as the world's most powerful person.

Believing that Trump stands possibly the least chance of any Republican to beat Obama's favored but damaged nominee, Hillary Clinton, he tacitly supports Trump. Or perhaps, as we witnessed yesterday, actively.

If there's one thing at which I believe our president excels, it's rough and tumble politics.

Think not? Then, explain how he rose from freshman senator to president having the worst handicap of any candidate in US history?  Need I say what that handicap was/is?

So watch for the Democrats to not-so-subtly steer the GOP nomination to the candidate they'd most love to hate.

If it ever comes down to a Trump/Clinton race, even Dems who can't stand her would hold their collective nose and tick the Hillary box.

I'm praying I've been right, and that box will have Bernie Sanders' name next to it instead.


  1. Ha Ha Ha. You have a lot more faith in the American voter than I do. Can you say President Trump? Hurts doesn't it. You kind of slow down when you hit the u. But, it seems more likely than martial law in the next 10 months.

  2. Agreed and agreed. My money's on Bernie right now. Michael Bloomberg entering the race as an independent could change things, but he's only got until March 1, to get on all the general election ballots. So far, he's made rumblings but hasn't done anything. It absolutely would be painful to say President Trump, but I think he's really a closet liberal anyway, so it may turn out okay. Whatever happens, it's all adding up to the best presidential election ever...and no martial law.
