Sunday, February 21, 2016

Trump Needs Cruz to Stay in Race for Now

Hello again Friends,

Right now, Ted Cruz may be the best friend Donald Trump has.

With Cruz in the race, the two are commanding nearly a super majority, and Trump has a double-digit plurality. This enduring plurality was enough to garner all of South Carolina's delegates for Trump.

I'm the Trump! I'm the Trump! Nobody beats me! I'm
the Trump!
And from here on, even if we come down to a three-way race, it'll be pretty much rinse, lather, and repeat for Trump.

By just maintaining the status quo, he'll collect enough delegates to win the nomination.

With Cruz vowing to stay in the race, he's cementing victory for his "rival" and a spot on the Trump ticket for himself.

I've been saying this from day one of this blog. And you may have noticed that today's headlines in every major newspaper mirror what I've been forecasting about the GOP nomination for the past six weeks.

There's no way now Trump will not be the GOP nominee, if he stays breathing.

I'm kind of gloating after yesterday's primary. It's brightening an otherwise gray and rainy day in northwest Washington.

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