Tuesday, February 16, 2016

She's Insulting Our Intelligence Again

Good Tuesday to you Friends,

I really can't stand it when someone tells me a lie to my face and smiles at me. It irks me even more when the lie is so obvious it's insulting to my intelligence.

That's what I find so loathsome about Hillary Clinton.

Hear me out. On the one hand, Hillary tells us with a smile on her face that the tens of  millions of dollars she's taken, and continues to take from Wall Street, have no impact on how tough she'll be as president on their egregious corruption.

No impact. Really?

Remember, a vote for Bernie is a vote for Hillary. Hey, money talks, B.S, walks....
Bernie Sanders, that is.
We're now finding out how stacked the Democratic primaries are in Hillary's favor due to non-committed "Super Delegates," who march to party orders--not to the voters'.

These delegates are stationed throughout all the states to put the brakes on upstart candidates.

The effect of these Super Delegates has already been quite chilling. Even though Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary by a 60% to 38% stomping, he got just half the state's delegates. Hillary got the other half.

I'd say that's stacked.

But why is that?

Perhaps it's because last year Hillary Clinton raised $35 million for the Democratic party, and Bernie
Sanders raised a measley $1,000.

So Hillary, are you now going to tell us that your fundraising for the party had no impact on them skewing the rules in your favor over Bernie Sanders'?

I think that you probably will, and  then expect us to swallow it.

Guess what, Hill? We're not all White House interns.

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